Terms and conditions of Teach Meditation course
Cost: £549, includes an extensive notes and teaching aids.
To book: a £150 non-refundable deposit will hold your place on the course. Your deposit entitles you to a 1:1 introductory 2-hour class with Swami Saradananda, in which she will explain the basics of the course and look at your personal practice in detail.
The balance of payment is due 3 weeks before the start of the course.
Refunds and transfers: once payment has been made, there are no refunds. However, you may transfer to another session of the course; there is a £100 transfer fee. You must complete the course within 3 years.
Attendance: students are expected to attend all classes via Zoom and be absent only with good reason. If you are unable to attend because of illness or other emergency, you must inform the tutor before the start of the class.
Students are required to register 90% attendance at live sessions– the first class cannot be missed. If a live class is missed, it is student's responsibility to make up the content by viewing the recorded sessions and doing additional homework.
Students who do not reach the required attendance will not receive their certificate until they have made up the time/practice and assignments and this may incur additional costs. If you miss more than one class, you will be expected to transfer to a subsequent session of the course, with payment of £100 transfer fee.
Homework: all homework is non-graded, however written assignments will be either 'pass’ or ‘refer'. If a piece of work is referred, it should be resubmitted when the necessary amendments have been made. The tutor will support and advise you through this process and detailed feedback will be given.
Students must complete each assignment to the tutor's satisfaction before going on to the next assignment.
As well as completing written assignments, students are expected to arrange their own teaching practice groups. This serves to enhance the student's knowledge and develop the skills needed to be a good teacher.
Students will received practice teaching assignments and must report on each session taught in writing by answering self-assessment questions.
Students will evaluate their own practice and progress through their own reflective self-assessment and are required to keep a reflective diary showing learning progress.
Complaints must be submitted clearly in writing and will be forwarded to a panel of Yoga Alliance Professional Senior Teachers.
Code of conduct: students and teachers are expected to act with mutual respect and kindness. Students are expected to remove their shoes before attending class – and to wear loose comfortable clothing (no jeans or lycra).
Students are requested to turn off their phones (not simply put them into silent mode). No eating in class.
Accreditation: this course meets the stringent requirements of accreditation set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Our graduates are trained to the highest standard and are eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance Professionals having the specialty of ‘Meditation Teacher'.
Certificate is given upon satisfactory completion of course.
Syllabus of Teach Meditation Course
Module 1 is a basic orientation and introduction to meditation practice and the ‘Teach Meditation’ course. It consists of an 2-hour-long 1:1 Zoom class with Swami Saradananda. She will help you to evaluate your personal practice and ensure that you have the skills and tools to further participate in the course.
If your level of practice qualifies you, your £150 non-refundable deposit will be applied towards the £549 cost of the entire course.
If your practice does not meet the basic criteria necessary to participate in the ‘Teach Meditation’ course, you will be offered an additional 1/2 hour-long 1:1 mentoring session with Swami Saradananda. No portion of your deposit will be returned to you.
Modules 2-8 will meet from 1-4:30pm on Zoom; on alternate Saturdays, starting on 31 Aug.
These are live classes and you are expected to attend all of them.
Module 1: Your personal practice of meditation
This module is in the form of a personal 1-on-1 Zoom-session with the course tutor, Swami Saradananda
· Establishing your own practice
· Keeping a practice diary
Module 2: Introduction to yoga’s tradition of meditation
• What is meditation? Why meditate?
• When and where to meditate
• How long to meditate
• How to sit
• Harnessing the power of breath
• Asanas and pranayama to sit more comfortably
• Mudras for meditation
Module 3: nature of the mind
• What is the mind
• Conditions of the mind
• Four states of consciousness
• Benefits of meditation for people with chronic illnesses
• Obstacles and experiences in meditation
• Asanas and pranayama to sit more comfortably
• Mudras for meditation
Module 4: Deepen concentration
· Mantra theory and practice
· yama-niyama; focus ahimsa, satya, saucha, santosha
· Asanas and pranayama to sit more comfortably
· Mudras for meditation
Module 5: the power of sound
· Mantra practice; chanting
· Prayer and contemplation
· Focus on tapas, asteya, aparagraha, swadhyaya
· Use of affirmations
· Mahavakyas
· Asanas and pranayama to sit more comfortably
· Mudras for meditation
Module 6: visual techniques
· Introduction to visualisations
· Tratak
· Focus on brahmacharya, ishwarapranidhana
· Pratyahara
Module 7: Deepen your practice
· Samyama
· Chakra meditation
· Yantra meditation
· Stress reduction
Module 8: Summing it all up and how to continue