Decoding Siva-Shakti

In everyday language, the word ‘myth’ refers to something that is obviously untrue. Yet, in its original sense, a myth is a story whose purpose is to introduce you to mystical dimensions and to guide you towards a greater Truth.

To assist you in unlocking your potential, the ancient rishis encoded many philosophical principles into spiritual symbols and stories. At my monthly satsangs, I’ve been examining some of the core myths of yoga, hoping to get a deeper understanding of yoga practice.

In the Satsang that took place on 9th July, we analysed and decoded some of the stories about Siva, the original teacher of hatha yoga, and Shakti, the energy of the universe. We discussed how the concepts of Infinite Energy and Infinite Consciousness have been encoded into the forms of Shakti and Siva.

It is said that without Shakti, Siva is ‘sava’ (as in savāsana/ corpse pose), i.e., without energy, consciousness is inert and inanimate. Shakti is the active expression of Siva’s inner nature.

Siva is the passive masculine principle; he is the silent witness that is motionless and unaffected by the cosmic play. It is Shakti, the active feminine principle, who provides both the building blocks and the energy of the universe. Yet, She is as inseparable from Siva as heat is from fire.


Interview with Sunita Passi